Herkules Machine Factory
Ford City
In Ford City, Pennsylvania, around 115 employees at Herkules USA work daily with expertise and passion on the design and production of Herkules grinding and turning machines. In addition to the production of new machines, Herkules USA is also a specialist for modernizations on the American continent. The spacious, air-conditioned production halls on an area of 7,525m2 offer the best conditions for the high-precision production of all machine components. Whether mechanical production or electrics - all work is carried out in-house at Herkules USA. An extensive range of turning, milling and grinding machines as well as measuring systems, many of them from our own group of companies, guarantees the highest machining quality.
The American technicians and engineers are trained at the German production sites. With their extensive experience, they ensure the reliable production and assembly of all machine tools in accordance with customer requirements. Thanks to continuous further training, they are always at the cutting edge of technical developments and can therefore react quickly and flexibly to customer inquiries.

In addition to the production of new machines and modernizations, KPM offers top service for the American market as a member of the HerkulesGroup. Communication in the local language, invoicing in the local currency and, of course, short travel distances and delivery times are the major customer benefits.
KPM Service is “made in Germany”. The employees - American technicians and engineers - are trained at the German production sites. Thanks to continuous further training, they are always at the cutting edge of technical developments and can therefore respond quickly and flexibly to customer inquiries.
115 dedicated and highly-skilled employees design and manufacture roll grinders and lathes in Ford City, Pennsylvania. Besides manufacturing new machines, Herkules USA specializes in the modernization of machines. The spacious, fully air-conditioned production area of 7,525 m2 (81,000 ft2) offers an ideal environment for the highly precise manufacturing of all machine components. Whether it be mechanical or electrical engineering, at Herkules USA, everything takes place in-house. A comprehensive range of lathes, milling and grinding machines, along with measuring devices, many of which are developed within the group of companies, guarantee manufacturing to the highest quality standards.
The Team On-Site
With many years of experience in metal and roller processing, the HNA/HUSA sales staff is well equipped to respond to customer requirements. The American engineers and technicians are trained in the German production sites. Their wealth of experience guarantees reliable production and assembly of all machine tools according to customer requirements. Continuous employee training ensures that the engineers are always at the cutting edge of technology and can quickly adapt to customer requirements.
Charles Hinterberger
Melissa Turney
T: 1-724-442-3282
Spare Parts
Charles Hinterberger
Rose Ann Pavelkovsky
T: 1-724-442-3282
Senior Sales Vice President
Michael Chociej, Jr.
T: 1-724-442-3299
Head of Production
Johannes Scheiffarth
Johannes Scheiffarth
Deanna DeBacco
Jessica Shoop
T: 1-724-442-8900